Tutorial : Cara Daftar Exabytes Part #1


Alahaii hampir terlupa lak ada blogger suh buat tutorial cara nak apply Exabytes.
Exabytes? Tau tak apa tu Exabytes? Uzu dah explain kat entry INI..

Sebelum uzu explain, boleh tak korang tolong klik iklan Exabytes uzu yang kaler biru kat bawah header tu.
setiap klik membawah seribu makna. hehe chewahhhh. Sapa yang klik, TQ ..

Actually Exabytes menawarkan untuk beriklan dengan blog kita . Kita just sign up and attach traffic blog kita and submit. Maybe dalam masa terdekat pihak Exabytes akan memberi maklum balas.

Siapa yang nak apply, boleh terjah SINI . Yang kat bawah ni syarat2 Exabytes
1. Our MINIMUM requirement is 350 daily visits a day. (check pageviews korang kat statistic blog)
2. Submit a screenshot of your unique visitors for the past 1 month to marketing@exabytes.com.my .
3. The approval process will take 5-7 working days.
4. After approval, we will prepare the banner script in 5-7 working days.
Terms and Conditions
1. Blog traffic must be mainly from Malaysia.
2. Payment will be made 6 weeks after the banner is up by cheque.
3. Payment/Cheque will only be sent to Addresses in Malaysia.
4. Advertising approval depends on blog traffic, traffic source, content niche and bounce rate.
Email us at marketing@exabytes.com.my
So apa yang korang kena buat ? 

1. Email kat Exabytes (marketing@exabytes.com.my) , boh tajuk Exabytes Application
2. Attach pageview nufnang untuk 2 bulan
3. Attach visitor kat nuffnang (come from) 
4. Bagi tau lah yang korang berminat nak apply 100 blogger ads program, sertakan link blog sekali
5. Send. 

Lepas tu, tunggu maklum balas dari Exabytes . And siapa dah dapat maklum balas dari Exabytes, boleh inform me, uzu akan ajar step seterusnya ok?

Siapa yang tak faham tu, boleh tanya uzu kat facebook ye. Selamat mencuba :) Salam