Happy Birthday Eqbal Zack (Giveaway


Wah Happy Birthday Eqbal Zack !! (belumlagi)

Sempena birthday Abang EQ kita yang ke-38 pada 12 November nanti,
So ada giveaway tau tuk meraihkan birthday abg Eq.

Jom kita join ramai-ramai.
InsyaAllah rezeki ada kat mana-mana.

Yang nak join click banner abg Eq tau kat atas.

Let's read the rules first.

Please read carefully, as I reserve the right to disqualify any incomplete entries.

1. Be a follower of www.eqbalzack.com
2. Write a simple blog post (Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Inggeris) about this giveaway. You can copy and
    paste your entry from here. The title of your entry will be: "Happy Birthday Eqbal Zack (Giveaway)".
3. Come back here and leave the permalink (URL) in the **comment box.
4. Send me an awesome “Birthday Wish” (Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa Inggeris) via CONTACT FORM.
    It is better to use a CONTACT FORM for this purpose to avoid plagiarism. I will pick the BEST  
5. This giveaway runs from today until 12 November 2012 (11:59PM).
6. Winners will be announced on the 19 November 2012 (10:00 AM).